Laser Skin Treatments

Laser Facial
Our Laser “Lunch Break” Facial treatment is a quick, 20-minute specialized service that helps to target redness in the skin and vascular conditions. By using the 1064nm laser wavelength of the GentleMax Pro® painting technique, our relaxing laser facial will help with acne, broken capillaries, rosacea, and will also target fine lines and wrinkles. Treat yourself to this enjoyable and relaxing photorejuvenation Laser Facial that leaves skin feeling refreshed and hydrated. This procedure is great for a lunch break because it requires no downtime and allows you to go about your day immediately following the treatment, including applying makeup!
Not in a rush? Follow up with a Jan Marini micro-mask for the full spa day experience. If you’re ready to book your best lunch date of the week, speak with one of our beauty experts today.

Skin Tightening
This service utilizes our GentleMax Pro® laser and eTwo machine. They both specialize in targeting wrinkles and fine lines, making them perfect to use for our skin tightening treatments. The GentleMax Pro® laser employs 1064nm laser wavelength that quickly and efficiently provides tighter, firmer skin. Both techniques are non-invasive and non-surgical, and provide some of the best and most efficient ways to increase collagen in the skin, which helps the skin to contract, or tighten. If you worry about lip lines or have considered sublative skin resurfacing treatments, our skin tightening may be a good alternative. This treatment will also help to decrease discolorations such as redness or dark spots on the face.

Photo Rejuvenation
Photorejuvenation treatments utilize our GentleMax Pro® and VBeam lasers to reduce skin damaged by environmental factors such as increased sun exposure. This service is also an effective way to help target broken capillaries, vascular conditions, fine lines and more. If you have any discoloration or sun damaged skin that you would like to have photorejuvenation treatment on, come in for a consultation to discuss your concerns.
- Sun damaged skin
- Discolored skin
- Broken capillaries
- Vascular conditions
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Rosacea
- And more

Spider Vein Removal
Spider veins are thin, red or blue lines that appear along areas where blood vessels have popped or are enlarged. While they are harmless in most cases, they may also cause aches or pains for some people. Our GentleMax Pro® laser is used to lessen the appearance of spider veins in legs or feet, which are the most common problem areas. With dual wavelength capability, this specialty laser helps to target the appearance of spider veins in the hands, feet, legs and other problem areas.

Broken Capillaries
Those annoying red splotches that sprinkle around the face are actually dilated or enlarged blood vessels, also known as broken capillaries, that lay just beneath the surface of your skin. They can be particularly problematic around the nose, chin and cheeks and can sometimes appear veiny. One of our most popular treatments for broken capillaries is with our VBeam Perfecta. VBeam lasers emit one, single wavelength (yellow light) to collapse damaged blood vessels with little to no effect on surrounding healthy blood vessels. This helps to rejuvenate and diminish the appearance of broken capillaries. Prevention is key with broken capillaries, though, and sun damage can worsen the noticeability. If you think you are a candidate for broken capillary treatment, contact our offices today.